

Everything you need to know about the color Gunmetal Gray | Hex Code


A very deep shade of gray mixed with blue, gunmetal gray brings to mind the toughness of metal.

The fact that the term “gun” is included in the name creates an aggressiveness that the color might not have been attributed with otherwise. Additionally, with gray known as a serious hue, the darkness of gunmetal gray further compounds that perception. Its richness means that it’s best used to convey a sense of authority or seriousness.

Gunmetal Grey code: #8D918D

Temper the heaviness by using brighter colors around it, such as bright yellows and oranges. If you’re looking to create a darker aura in your design, using a significant amount of the color can easily accomplish that.

Information about Gunmetal Gray / #8D918D

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #8D918D is made of 55.3% red, 56.9% green and 55.3% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #8D918D is made of 3% cyan, 0% magenta, 3% yellow and 43% black. Gunmetal Gray has a hue angle of 120 degrees, a saturation of 1.8% and a lightness of 56.1%.

Color Conversion

The hexadecimal color #8D918D has RGB values of R: 55.3, G: 56.9, B: 55.3, and CMYK values of C: 0.03, M: 0, Y: 0.03, K:0.43.


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